NICE Update June 18, 2024

The NICE Team met on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 to review and discuss the NICE Final Report Draft and NICE Project one pager. Additional edits to the documents will be completed in the next few days and the Final Report will be released and shared by June 30.  NWLN and...

NICE Update May 21, 2024

NICE Project update: The NICE Team met on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 to hear updates from the Cataloging and ILS Vendor Workgroups. Recommendations from these groups will be shared early in June. The Team reviewed the Holds Fulfillment Workgroup and the Records Standards...

NICE Update April 16, 2024

NICE Project update: The NICE Team met on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 to hear updates from the Holds fulfillment workgroup and the Records standards workgroup. The Team discussed creating some overarching project recommendations including evaluating decisions after one...

NICE Update March 19, 2024

The NICE Team met on Tuesday, March 19 to hear updates from the Holds fulfillment workgroup. The Funding Formula workgroup has made its recommendation. Feedback on the Funding Formula recommendation can be submitted here. An additional Cataloging workgroup was formed...

NICE Update, February 20, 2024

The NICE Team met on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 to hear updates from the Funding Formula and Budget workgroup, additional information shared by the leadership team about the ILS Recommendation. The Collaborative Decision-making workgroup has made its recommendation....

NICE Update January 16, 2024

The NICE Team met on Tuesday, January 2024 to hear updates from the Funding Formula and Budget workgroup, the Delivery workgroup and the Collaborative Decision-making workgroup. The Delivery workgroup has made its recommendation. Feedback on the Delivery...